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An open-source observability solution that allows software developers to conveniently collect and explore telemetry data emitted by their applications.

ELK Stack

ELK Stack

Herald is built on the ELK stack, a popular set of tools used for monitoring the health and performance of software systems.

ELK stack logos

Logs, Traces & Metrics

Logs, Traces & Metrics

Explore logs, traces and metrics in a single location.

three pillars of observability: logs, traces, and metrics

Case Study

1. Introduction

Herald is an observability solution that simplifies deployment of the ELK stack, a popular set of tools used for monitoring the health and performance of software systems. It allows software developers to conveniently collect and explore telemetry data, including logs, traces, and metrics, through a single, user-friendly interface.

It may be unclear why small applications need an observability solution. Smaller apps typically have fewer components and fewer interactions between those components compared to larger apps. But as those applications grow in size and complexity, monitoring their health and performance and diagnosing problems when failures occur becomes increasingly challenging.

Small App versus Large App

For example, a developer may start by checking logs to diagnose an issue. In a smaller app, those logs are likely located in a single place, making it easier to isolate the problem. But in a more extensive app, the various components may produce their logs in separate locations. In this case, the developer needs help locating the source of the error.

Loooking at Logs in Small App versus Large App

That's where observability helps. Observability gives organizations a holistic picture of the health and performance of their software systems. As a result, organizations can detect and diagnose issues much faster than they otherwise would. Observability has become increasingly popular due to the growing complexity of software systems and the exponential increase in the number and types of issues organizations can encounter.[1]

Below we look more deeply into what observability is, why it's important, and the challenges involved in implementing it. Then we explore some existing observability solutions. We then take a closer look at what Herald is and what it does. Finally, we outline some of the design decisions we made and implementation challenges we faced in building Herald.

2. Observability

Observability is the ability to understand how a system is functioning based on its outputs and behaviors. Data is used to provide a holistic view of a system, allowing developers and operators to understand how a system is functioning and helping identify issues that may be impacting its performance.[2]

three pillars of observability

Observability uses three types of telemetry data, often referred to as the three pillars of observability: logs, traces, and metrics.[3] This data provides visibility into a software system and allows development teams to get to the root cause of various issues to improve performance. Below we take a closer look at each type of data.

2.1 Logs

observability pillar logs

Logs are records of events or messages a software application or system generates. They are typically very detailed and provide information about a specific event or action within a software system. Information contained in logs includes:

  • Timestamps: The time at which an event occurred
  • Message content: A description of the event, error, or action taken
  • Severity level: A classification of the importance or severity of the event, such as "debug", "info", "warning", or "error"
  • Contextual information: Additional information related to the event, such as user or device information

By collecting this information, logs provide a record of system activity that can be used to identify issues, track down bugs, and gain insights into the behavior and performance of the system.

To further understand the role of logs, it is helpful to delve into an example of how logs can be used to diagnose and solve issues. Consider a web application experiencing slow response times and occasional errors when users try to upload images.

To diagnose the problem, the development team examines the application's logs. They notice several log messages related to failed image uploads, which provide error codes and additional information about the nature of the failures.

observability pillar logs

Based on this information, the development team can identify several issues contributing to the slow upload times and error messages. They find the application's image upload functionality is not optimized for handling large files and is thus causing slow response times and occasional failures. Additionally, they discover users have been trying to upload unsupported file types.

With this information in hand, the development team can make changes to the application's code and configuration to improve the performance and stability of the image upload functionality.

2.2 Traces

observability pillar traces

Tracing is a method of analyzing a software system by collecting data about the different stages of a request as it passes through various components or services of the system. It involves creating a "trace" that includes information about each step of the request.[3]

Each request is assigned a uniquely generated ID. This ID provides context for the trace, ensuring that specific events that take place during the request lifecycle are correlated with each other. The ID is passed from one service to another as the execution of the request progresses, propagating the context throughout the request lifecycle.

propagating context through request lifecycle

A trace comprises one or more spans. A span represents a specific piece of work performed by a specific service within the request path, such as an HTTP request or a call to a database.[4] Spans contain important information, such as the start and end times of the work, as well as any metadata that might be relevant to understanding the span.

a trace

The trace can help engineers identify the different services the request passes through and how they interact with each other. By analyzing a trace, developers can determine where the request spent the most time, and which services were involved. This information can be used to identify performance bottlenecks, optimize the system, and improve the user experience.

2.3 Metrics

observability pillar metrics

Metrics are like vital signs for a software system. They are a numeric representation of data measured over intervals of time. They help developers understand the health of a system. By setting performance goals and baselines, metrics allow developers to track whether a system is meeting its targets and catch problems before they become critical.[3]


There are different types of metrics, including:

  • Resource utilization metrics, such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk space usage, and network bandwidth usage, measure the number of resources the system uses.
  • Performance metrics, such as response time, latency, and throughput, measure the system's responsiveness and how quickly it processes requests.
  • Error rate metrics, such as the number of errors, exceptions, or failures within the system, measure the frequency of errors and help administrators identify areas that need improvement.
  • Availability metrics, such as the percentage of time the system is up and running, measure the system's uptime and downtime.[5]

Metrics can alert developers to current or potential problems impacting their systems. Metrics on CPU and memory usage might indicate that the system's resources are at capacity and may need to be scaled.

cpu and memory usage

2.4 Integrating Logs, Traces, and Metrics

Logs, traces, and metrics work together to provide developers with observability of their software systems, allowing them to diagnose issues and improve system performance. To illustrate how developers can use logs, traces, and metrics together to diagnose a problem and help them fix it, let's walk through an example.

Suppose a developer is responsible for a web application that allows users to purchase items online. Upon checking some metrics related to the performance of the app, the developer notices that the average response time and error rate for the app's checkout page have increased. They suspect there may be an issue causing the slowdown.

average response time and error rate

Based on these metrics, the developer uses tracing to follow a request through the system and pinpoint where a potential issue may be occurring. They choose a recent transaction that experienced a slow response time and use a tracing tool to follow the request as it moved through the system.

The tracing tool shows that the request spent a significant amount of time in a particular microservice responsible for verifying the user's payment details. The developer suspects there may be an issue with this microservice and that further investigation is required to track down the cause.

microservices tracing

In the logs, the developer sees a large number of errors related to the payment gateway API being used by the microservice. The logs also show that the payment gateway API has recently changed its authentication method, which may be causing the errors.

logs output

Based on this information, the developer updates the microservice to use the new authentication method for the payment gateway API. They deploy the updated microservice to production and monitor the application's metrics, traces, and logs to verify the issue has been resolved.

Alone, each pillar of observability provides valuable information but not a complete picture. The metrics alerted the developer to the issue, the tracing helped them pinpoint where the issue was occurring, and the logs provided more detailed information about the root cause of the issue. By having insight into all three, developers get complete visibility of their system's health and performance.[6]

2.5 The Challenge of Implementing Observability

Knowing that observability is important is one thing; making software systems observable is another. How does a development team aggregate their telemetry data into a single location in order to be visualized and analyzed?

how to aggregate telemetry data into single location

The solution to this problem involves solving several smaller problems. Let's examine each of them.

Collection and Shipment

The first problem that needs to be solved is how to collect the data. Typically, this is accomplished with a collection agent installed on each component of the software system that is going to be observed.

collection agent

This collection agent is responsible for collecting the data from the component and shipping it to some central location.

collection agent to central location

Processing and Transformation

But before the data is shipped to the central location, there is another problem to solve. At this point, the data is still raw and unstructured. It will need to be processed and transformed into a form or structure suitable for a particular analysis. Thus, a data processor is needed before the data goes anywhere else.

collection agent to processor to central location


The next problem concerns the central location. There needs to be some data storage component that can be queried for the purpose of visualization and analysis.

collection agent to processor to data storage

This data store should handle the continuous inflow of data and enable fast and efficient queries for real-time data analysis.


The final problem to be solved is how to visualize that data so it can be gleaned for meaningful insights. What is needed is an intuitive and easy-to-use UI.

collection agent to processor to data storage to visualization

Thus, to achieve observability, a solution is needed that performs the following four functions: data collection and shipment; data processing and transformation; data storage; and data visualization.

the full pipeline

Next, we look at some of the existing solutions that aim to solve the observability problem for development teams.

3. Existing Solutions

3.1 Commercial Solutions

commercial solutions

Several companies offer various observability tools to satisfy most developers' needs. Examples include Datadog, New Relic, Honeycomb, and One of the benefits of using these observability tools is that they are typically easy to set up and feature-rich. Some of those extra features include infrastructure monitoring, network monitoring, and error tracking.

However, some commercial solutions may not be a good fit for software teams concerned about data and infrastructure ownership. In particular, teams working with sensitive data or in highly regulated industries may be wary of using third-party solutions due to concerns about data privacy, security, and compliance. These teams may prefer to keep complete control over their data and infrastructure, including the ability to choose where and how it is stored and processed. Using a commercial solution may require relinquishing some of this control.

Commercial solutions also come at a cost that may be too high for smaller companies.

3.2 DIY Open-Source Solutions

open source solutions

In addition to commercial observability solutions, various open-source observability tools are available that can provide a cost-effective alternative for developers. These tools offer various features for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing log, metric, and tracing data while also providing flexibility in terms of data ownership and infrastructure. Examples include OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Jaeger, fluentd, and the ELK stack, which consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.

While open-source observability tools offer many advantages, such as data ownership and cost savings, deploying and managing these tools can be significantly more complex than commercial solutions. Piecing together various observability tools in order to collect, process, store, and visualize telemetry data can require substantial time and expertise. This may not be feasible for smaller development teams. This complexity is abstracted away with the commercial solutions.

3.3 Herald

herald icon

That's where Herald comes in. Herald bridges the gap between commercial and open-source solutions. It is an open-source observability solution that abstracts away the complexity of setting up open-source tools while offering development teams the ability to maintain data and infrastructure ownership. Further, the only cost of using Herald is the cost of provisioning and using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources on which it is deployed.

Herald was built for growing applications that have reached a size where the ability to monitor their health and performance has become an issue. The growing complexity of these apps requires their development teams to consider a comprehensive observability solution. What is needed is a solution comprised of a set of battle-tested observability tools.

Herald is built on the ELK stack, a popular set of open-source tools commonly used for log management and analysis. The full ELK ecosystem also offers tools for trace and metric data.[7] The combination of these tools provides a complete observability solution.

Herald is built on the ELK stack

Combining other open-source tools into a complete observability solution is also possible. But managing these other tools necessitates developers becoming familiar with the separate documentation associated with each tool. These docs may be sufficient for understanding how each tool works on its own but are less helpful when the tools are combined.

The ELK stack, on the other hand, is managed by a single organization: Elastic. Elastic provides unified documentation on the entire stack, making it easier to troubleshoot issues that may arise between the various components of the stack. There is also a strong support community on which developers can rely.

The comprehensiveness of its documentation across the stack, the strong community of supporters, and its popularity make the ELK stack an ideal choice for developers just getting started with observability. The ELK stack is also battle-tested as several commercial solutions use it in their own offerings.

Setting up the ELK stack can be challenging, particularly for developers new to observability. The configuration details involved in setting up each component of the stack for complete observability can be overwhelming. However, Herald simplifies the process by abstracting away the complexity, providing an effortless deployment of the stack. With just a few commands, developers can quickly get started with Herald.

Below, we take a closer look at Herald and what it does.

4. The Herald Pipeline

The Herald pipeline comprises two separate data ingestion points, one for logs and another for traces and metrics, a data storage component, and a data visualization component. The following diagram illustrates the flow of data from ingestion points through to visualization.

the Herald pipeline

This pipeline encompasses the main components required to achieve observability: data collection and shipment; data processing and transformation; data storage; and data visualization. Below, we look at each of these components in more detail.

4.1 Data Collection and Shipment

Recall the first problem to solve to achieve observability is collecting data from the various components of a software system and shipping them to some central location. Herald uses two separate tools for data collection and shipment: Filebeat for log data and the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Agent for traces and metrics data.

Filebeat for Log Collection and Shipment

pipeline filebeat

Filebeat is a collection agent designed for collecting and shipping log data. Its primary function is to continuously scan for new log data and send such data to Logstash, where it is processed and transformed.[8]

Filebeat is not part of the Herald deployment but is installed separately on the user's application servers. After installation, it must be configured to monitor specific log files and output the data to Logstash.

APM Agent for Traces & Metrics Collection and Shipment

pipeline APM agent

For collecting and shipping traces and metrics data, we have Elastic APM Agents. APM agents are open-source libraries that collect data generated by an application. These agents are written in the same programming language (e.g. Golang, Python, or Node.js) as the application and can be easily installed like any other library.

Once installed, the user then instruments their code to allow the agents to collect tracing and metrics data.[9] The APM agents then ship the data to the APM Server for processing.

4.2 Data Processing and Transformation

The next problem that needs to be solved to achieve observability is data processing and transformation. This component of the pipeline must be capable of processing data for particular analyses and transforming data into a format that is accepted by the data storage component. Herald uses two separate tools for data processing and transformation: Logstash for logs and the APM Server for traces and metrics.

Logstash for Log Data Processing

pipeline Logstash

Within the Herald pipeline, Logstash is configured to ingest data from Filebeat. The user must configure Logstash with an appropriate filter that enables a specific transformation of the ingested data to support a specific application use case. For example, a user may use the “geoip” filter to add information about the geographical location of IP addresses.[10] Once the data is processed, it is sent to Elasticsearch for storage and indexing.[11]

APM Server for Traces & Metrics Processing

pipeline APM server

The APM Server comprises two parts: the Elastic Agent and the APM Integration. Elastic Agents are installed on the user's application servers to receive different data types, such as metrics and traces, from the APM Agents.

The Elastic Agent can be updated with configurations enabling the collection of new or different data sources. The configurations are implemented through agent policies. The APM Integration is one of those configurations that gets specified within an agent policy.[12]

The Elastic Agent with the APM Integration acts as the APM Server, which lives entirely on the user’s application server. The APM Server accepts tracing and metrics data from an APM Agent. The APM Server then processes the data, which includes validating it and transforming it into Elasticsearch documents before sending it on to Elasticsearch.[9]

APM server processing data and sending to Elasticsearch

4.3 Data Storage

The next component required to achieve observability is the data storage component. The data store is where data will be housed and made available for querying by the visualization component.

pipeline Elasticsearch


Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine and document store. It stores complex data structures serialized as JSON documents. Elasticsearch stores and indexes data in a way that enables near real-time searching (i.e. within 1 second).[13][14][15] It is a durable data store, which means it can persist long term data as needed. Within the Herald pipeline, Elasticsearch receives data from Logstash and the APM Server. It acts as a storage component that can be queried through Kibana to be visualized.

data storage Elasticsearch

4.4 Visualization

The final problem to be solved in order to achieve observability is the data visualization problem. Data sitting in the data store is only good if it can be visualized and analyzed.

pipeline Kibana


Kibana is a powerful open-source data visualization and exploration platform. It provides a user-friendly interface for searching, analyzing, and visualizing large volumes of data in real-time. With Kibana, you can search, observe, and analyze your data, and visualize your findings in charts, gauges, maps, and graphs.[16]

data visualization Kibana

Viewing logs in Kibana:

viewing logs in Kibana

Viewing traces in Kibana:

viewing traces in Kibana

Viewing metrics in Kibana:

viewing metrics in Kibana

5. Building Herald

Herald's complete architecture is shown in the diagram below:

Herald full architecture

The upcoming sections will explain how Herald was built from the ground up, including the challenges faced during its development and the design decisions made at each stage. But before that, it's important to discuss the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Elastic Container Service.

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tool

Herald is hosted on the cloud by leveraging the capabilities of the AWS CDK, an Infrastructure as Code Tool. This tool enables developers to use commonly-used programming languages, such as TypeScript, Python, and Java, to write code that automates the creation, maintenance, and termination of cloud resources.

AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)

All of Herald's components—Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Fleet Server—are installed using Docker. This led us to use ECS. ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service designed to facilitate the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. AWS ECS can deploy containers on Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or Fargate.

EC2 is a virtualized computing service that provides users with complete control over the underlying infrastructure. When using EC2 to deploy containers, the user manages the containers and the underlying infrastructure. In contrast, AWS Fargate is a serverless container management service that abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, allowing users to focus on deploying and managing containers without worrying about servers. Users only pay for CPU cores and gigabytes of memory that they specify for running their container. Each container instance running on an EC2 or Fargate is called a Task.[17]

5.1 Setting Up a Single Node of Elasticsearch and Kibana

The first components set up for Herald are a single node each of Elasticsearch and Kibana.

A single node of Elasticsearch and Kibana

However, there are a couple of design decisions to make at this point. The first decision is whether to use EC2 or Fargate to deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana.

Tailored Deployment Solutions: Elasticsearch with EC2 and Kibana with Fargate

For Elasticsearch, configuring the host operating system is necessary.[18] Furthermore, due to its intensive CPU and memory requirements, Elastic recommends dedicating the host to running only this service if possible. In AWS Fargate, users cannot custom configure the host operating system, and the host running the user's docker container could be running containers from other users. Thus, Elasticsearch is deployed on an EC2 instance.

Recall that Elasticsearch is for storing data sent from Logstash and Elastic Agent. This data can be visualized using Kibana. Thus, public access to Elasticsearch is not required. As a result, Elasticsearch EC2 is on a private subnet, which limits access.

Kibana does not have specific requirements for the host operating system, nor does it require host exclusivity. Using Fargate to run Kibana also eases the maintenance burden for users. Thus, Herald runs Kibana on Fargate. Since users need to log in to Kibana via a web browser, Kibana needs to be deployed on a public subnet.

Elasticsearch and Kibana architecture

However, there is a slight issue with this model. When deploying Elasticsearch and Kibana using AWS CDK, the IP address of Elasticsearch is not known till the entire deployment is finished. So, the diagram above really looks like this:

Elasticsearch and Kibana ip addresses unknown until after deployment

For the user, not knowing the IP address of Kibana during deployment is not an issue since they can obtain the IP address after the deployment is finished. However, Kibana must know the IP address of Elasticsearch because a successful Kibana deployment requires confirming a successful connection to the Elasticsearch service.[19] This leads to the next implementation challenge, which is service discovery.

AWS Cloudmap for Service Discovery

In a distributed system, service discovery is the process of services automatically detecting and connecting to other services. AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery service.[20] It essentially acts as a service registry and a DNS provider which allows cloud resources (e.g., EC2 instances, ECS Tasks, etc.) to discover and connect to each other. Below, we delve into what Cloud Map is and how it is used in Herald for service discovery.

A service registry is a central repository or database that maintains a list of services and their associated metadata, such as network location, configuration, and health status. AWS Cloud Map, it acts as a service registry by allowing users to register cloud resources as services and associate them with custom names and metadata. This enables other services or applications to discover these resources using custom names and connect without hardcoding their network locations.

AWS Cloud Map serves as a DNS Provider by creating and managing DNS records for the registered services in Amazon Route 53. When services are registered into AWS Cloud Map, it creates DNS records that map the custom names assigned to the cloud resources to the instances' IP addresses. This allows cloud resources to discover and connect to each other, with AWS Cloud Map handling the DNS resolution process behind the scenes.

Herald uses AWS Cloud Map for service discovery. To enable service discovery, a namespace, which is a grouping for services, is created first. An example of a namespace is service.local. When this namespace is created, a Service Registry and Route 53 Hosted Zone are created in the VPC. These entities will be used to maintain a list of cloud resources, their metadata, and their IP Addresses.

Creating a namespace for service discovery

All the services, such as Elasticsearch, are registered in this namespace. Registering Elasticsearch into the namespace implies registering the EC2 instance, a cloud resource, into the namespace. For example, one of the EC2 instances running Elasticsearch in Herald is registered as es01. After registering es01 and kibana the Service Registry and Route 53 Hosted Zone would look something like what is shown in the diagram below.[21]

Registering services for service discovery

Kibana can now use the DNS hostname es01.service.local to make requests to Elasticsearch.

When Kibana sends a request to Elasticsearch using es01.service.local, a DNS Query is sent to the DNS Resolver, which returns the IP address of es01.service.local to Kibana.[22]

Resolving a DNS query

Kibana can now send requests to Elasticsearch using the IP address

Kibana sending a request to Elasticsearch

Herald deploys multiple nodes of Elasticsearch. But before we discuss the reasoning behind using multiple nodes of Elasticsearch we discuss securing Herald. A multi-node Elasticsearch cluster requires encryption with TLS, which is discussed in the next section.

Securing Herald

Internal communication among Elasticsearch nodes and between Elasticsearch and Kibana must be encrypted using TLS. To encrypt the communication, a dedicated Certificate Authority (CA) needs to be created using Elasticsearch's certificate generation tool. Each Elasticsearch node and Kibana also need a certificate signed by the common CA, so when communicating, they can trust each other's identity. Elastic recommends using a dedicated CA instead of an existing, possibly shared CA so that Elasticsearch node membership is tightly controlled. That is, with a dedicated CA, only nodes with valid certificates signed by the dedicated CA can establish encrypted communication channels with other nodes in the cluster. This reduces the risk of unauthorized nodes joining the cluster, enhancing the security of Elasticsearch deployment.[23][24]

Verifying certificates

To create the dedicated CA and generate a certificate for Elasticsearch and Kibana signed by the CA, a setup docker container is used. The setup container generates the required certificates and puts the certificates in an AWS volume that can be mounted to the Elasticsearch and Kibana containers. After the setup container generates the certificate, it is removed using an AWS Lambda function so it does not take up any resources unnecessarily. The diagram below shows this entire process:

Setting up a certificate volume using a setup container

The architecture diagram after this step looks like this:

Herald architecture with Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the certificate volume

Note that, from here on, all the new components that are added will need access to the certificate volume.

5.2 Setting Up a Multi-Node Elasticsearch Cluster

An observability solution must be able to ingest and index telemetry data in real time as the monitored system generates such data without delay. This could be challenging as the generation of telemetry data typically exhibits periods of increased volume or fluctuations. While things are running well, these data will be generated in a predictably steady stream. However, data generation can multiply significantly when problems arise. An observability solution must be able to handle the sudden increased load.

Setting up multiple nodes of Elasticsearch is crucial for handling these challenges, as Elasticsearch is responsible for ingesting and indexing the data. Multiple nodes can help distribute the load, ensuring the observability solution remains performant and reliable, particularly during periods of increased telemetry data generation.

Elastic recommends that a resilient cluster have at least three master-eligible nodes (nodes that can become the master of the cluster) so that if one of them fails, then the remaining two can still form a majority and elect a master node.[25] Thus, Herald starts with three Elasticsearch nodes. When configured with the DNS hostnames of the Elasticsearch nodes, Kibana is able to distribute its own requests among the nodes, effectively balancing the load without a separate load balancer. This setup efficiently reduces expenses while retaining much of the functionality provided by using a load balancer. Other components added later can use a similar method to distribute their own requests among the Elasticsearch nodes.

Since observability solutions are write-heavy and Kibana only receives load when developers query the data, Kibana will run on a single node. The updated architecture diagram is shown below:

Herald architecture with multiple nodes of Elasticsearch

The next section discusses how the Elasticsearch nodes can be configured to form a single cluster and maintain a single source of truth using node discovery.

Elasticsearch Node Discovery

Elasticsearch nodes must be configured to discover each other and form a cluster. This allows the nodes to work together, distribute data, and provide high availability. To communicate with this cluster, Kibana (or other components introduced later) would send requests to one of the Elasticsearch nodes. The Elasticsearch cluster, with its internal knowledge of node responsibilities and data distribution, determines how to process and respond to the request.

To enable node discovery in Elasticsearch, some or all the Elasticsearch nodes' IP addresses must be provided to every node. This can be done by listing the IP addresses in the configuration file, including them in a text file and linking it in the configuration, or specifying that list be constructed using the AWS Discovery plugin. AWS Discovery plugin is the only solution that provides all the Elasticsearch nodes' IP addresses to every node.[26] However, since Herald uses Cloud Map for service discovery, it can list the DNS hostnames of the Elasticsearch nodes (es01.service.local, es02.service.local, es03.service.local) directly in the configuration file. And these names don't need to change even if the IP addresses change.

The updated architecture is shown below:

Herald architecture updated with Cloud Map for service discovery

To further ensure that Herald is capable of handling spikes in telemetry data, Herald has built-in auto scaling for the Elasticsearch cluster.

5.3 Auto-Scaling Elasticsearch Cluster

When the average CPU Utilization of the Elasticsearch cluster reaches 60%, Herald automatically scales up the cluster to meet the increasing workload. After a node is added, there is a 5-minute cooldown period during which Herald will not auto scale up the cluster even if the cluster reaches target CPU utilization. This is to avoid excessive scaling and allow the cluster to stabilize. For auto scaling, Herald keeps the three initial nodes as is and creates a separate auto-scaling group that starts with one node and scales up to meet increasing demands. Herald does not automatically scale down the cluster, as that could cause data loss.

The updated architecture is shown below:

Herald architecture updated with auto-scaling Elasticsearch cluster

5.4 Setting Up a Multi-Node Logstash Cluster

This section discusses the setting up of a multi-node Logstash cluster, which is used for the log ingestion endpoint in Herald. Since the Logastash nodes will work independently in Herald, there is no need to deal with complications associated with node discovery as was needed for multi-node Elasticsearch setup. For the multi-node Logstash setup, a load balancer is sufficient.

Below is the updated architecture with Logstash added to Herald:

Herald architecture updated with Logstash

Note that the Logstash containers are also deployed using EC2 for the above-mentioned reasons for Elasticsearch.

This section concludes the pipeline required for sending logs to Herald, which is the upper portion of the pipeline shown below:

Logging section of the Herald pipeline

The next section starts by adding the components required for building the traces and metrics pipeline.

5.5 Setting Up Fleet Server and APM Server

Brief Intro of New Components

Four additional components are required for building the metrics and tracing pipeline in Herald. The first two components are two different types of agents. The first type of agent is Elastic APM Agent. These are specialized agents designed to collect raw traces and metrics data from an application. The second type of agent is Elastic Agents which are general-purpose agents, and their capabilities can be changed by using different integrations. The integrations an Elastic Agent has is controlled by the policy into which it enrolls.

The third and fourth components are Fleet Server and APM Server. Fleet Server provides a centralized way to manage Elastic Agents. The APM Server, on the other hand, validates the data that APM Agents collect. It then transforms the data into Elasticsearch documents before sending them to Elasticsearch. There are two different ways Fleet Server and APM Server can be set up. The first architecture consists of a centralized Fleet Server and APM Server. In contrast, the second architecture consists of a centralized Fleet Server and a distributed APM Server.

Before proceeding further, it is important to note that Fleet Server is really an Elastic Agent with Fleet integration.

Fleet Server is an Elastic Agent plus the Fleet integration

And similarly, the APM Server is an Elastic Agent with APM integration.

APM Server is an Elastic Agent plus the APM integration

Recall that the integrations an Elastic Agent has are controlled by the policy into which it enrolls. These policies are kept in Elasticsearch. The Fleet Server continuously checks if the policies have been updated, and if they have, it will update all the agents enrolled in that policy.

Fleet Server and APM Server in Herald

Herald uses architecture 2: a centralized Fleet Server and a distributed APM Server. The four components discussed above work together, as shown in the diagram below:

APM Agent, APM Server, Fleet Server, and Elasticsearch

First, the APM Agent is installed on the user's application server. For a Node.js server, installing an APM Agent would require installing an npm package and inserting a middleware in the server's code. The APM Agent would then collect the raw traces and metrics data and send that data to the APM Server.

Second, the APM Server, which is also installed on the application server, takes the data sent by the APM Agent, validates it, and transforms it into Elasticserach documents before sending it to Elasticsearch. When installing the APM Server on the user's application server, it communicates with the Fleet Server to enroll into a policy. These policies control the behavior of the Elastic Agent. In this case, it includes the APM Integration, which instructs the Elastic Agent to act as the APM Server.

The policies are stored in Elasticsearch. The Fleet Server continuously checks for policy updates. When a policy changes, the Fleet Server updates all the Elastic Agents enrolled in that policy.

With the Fleet Server and APM Server added, Herald's updated architecture is shown below:

Herald's updated architecture with Fleet Server

Note that to ensure high availability for Fleet Servers, Herald uses two fleet server nodes with a load balancer in front of them.

Pros and Cons of Herald's APM Server and Fleet Server Architecture

Using a distributed APM Server and a centralized APM Server has its advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage this architecture has is that it is more resilient as there are more APM Server nodes. Second, the number of APM servers grows with the number of application servers. So there is no need to worry about scaling the APM Server. Third, there is reduced latency because data is collected and transformed locally compared to architecture 1, where data was collected in the application server and then sent to the APM Server of the network for processing. And lastly, the cost is reduced with this architecture because the data is collected and transformed locally. Cost is also reduced with this architecture because Herald utilizes the user's existing application server for APM Server as opposed to provisioning more EC2s.

In terms of disadvantages, the first disadvantage of this architecture is that it can be harder to manage the growing number of APM Server nodes that are distributed across the user's application servers. And second, it could be harder to scale in general as the APM Server shares resources with the user's application.

5.6 Adding in Bastion Host

For security reasons, the Elasticsearch cluster, Logstash cluster, and Fleet Server cluster are installed in private subnets. As a result, users who deploy Herald on their existing AWS account cannot directly SSH into the underlying EC2 instances running Elasticsearch, Logstash, or Fleet Server from their computers. To facilitate secure access, a bastion host, an EC2 instance with special permissions, is installed in a public subnet within the VPC. Users can SSH into the bastion host, and from there, they can SSH into the EC2 instances running Elasticsearch, Logstash, or Fleet Server.

The diagram below illustrates this idea:

Bastion Host allows access to EC2 instances in private subnet

5.7 Recap of Building Herald

Building Herald is now complete. Herald is built using the popular ELK stack. Throughout building Herald, we walked you through each stage, addressing various challenges and design decisions, such as service discovery, encrypting communication, handling the bursty nature of telemetry data, etc.

Herald's complete architecture is shown below:

Herald full architecture

6. Future Work

As of writing this report, Herald is the only open-source solution that makes it easy to deploy a production-grade ELK stack for collecting logs, traces, and metrics for a distributed system. However, there is still room for quite a few future improvements. We discuss some of these potential improvements below.

Auto-Scaling Logstash

Since Logstash is another ingestion point in Herald, it would be ideal to auto scale Logstash as well.

Intelligent Auto-Scaling Elasticsearch

Implement a more comprehensive algorithm for auto scaling the Elasticsearch cluster.

Adding Kafka in Front of Logstash

Adding Kafka in front of Logstash would greatly minimize the risk of data loss.

Implement AWS S3 Cold Storage and Log Rehydration

Elasticsearch displays poor performance when the volume of data stored gets larger. One cheap solution is to move away rarely used data to an S3 bucket. This would reduce the cost of storing data. However, a mechanism (e.g. log rehydration) would need to exist to re-ingest the data into Elasticsearch if the user wanted to access old data.

7. References




























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    Wayne Olson

    Portland, OR, USA

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    Kowshik Islam

    Toronto, ON, Canada

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    Stephen Johnston

    Guelph, ON, Canada

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    Matthew Johnston

    Guelph, ON, Canada